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Data Analysis Skills, Artificial Intelligence Coding

Autorenbild: Valentin RossiwallValentin Rossiwall

Wie lernt man heutzutage Programmieren, Data Skills und AI?

Wer es noch nicht kennt, kann sich ansehen. Zu meinem Benutzerprofil von der Universität Salzburg innerhalb der Software Plattform geht es hier:

Ich empfehle den Podcast zum Thema AI von Datacamp. Alles ist jedoch nur in Englisch. Auf Deutsch gibt es vergleichsweise wenig fachliches in diesem Bereichen.

#218 Designing AI Applications with Robb Wilson, Co-Founder & CEO at

All the hype around generative AI means that every software maker seems to be stuffing chat interfaces into their products whenever they can. For the most part, the jury is still out on whether this is a good idea or not. However, design goes deeper than just the user interface, so it’s also useful to know about how the designs interact with the rest of the software. Once you move beyond chatbots into things like agents, there are also thorny questions around which bits of your workflow should still be done by a human, and which bits can be completely automated. True insight in this context lies in a gray area, across software, UX and AI. Robb is an AI researcher, technologist, designer, innovator, serial entrepreneur, and author. He is a contributor to Harvard Business Review and the visionary behind,, the award winning conversational artificial intelligence platform that ranked highest in Gartner's Critical Capabilities Report for Enterprise Conversational AI Platforms. He earned an Academy Award nomination for technical achievement as well as over 130 innovation, design, technology, and artificial intelligence awards, with five in 2019 including AI Company of the Year and Hot AI Technology of the Year. Robb is a pioneer in the user research and technology spaces. He founded EffectiveUI, a user experience and technology research consultancy for the Fortune 500, which was acquired by WPP and integrated into the core of Ogilvy’s digital experience practice. He also created UX Magazine, one of the first and largest XD (experience design) thought leadership communities.  In the episode, Richie and Robb explore chat interfaces in software, the advantages of chat interfaces over other methods of interaction with data & AI products, geospatial vs language memory, good vs bad chat interfaces, the importance of a human in the loop, personality in chatbots, handling hallucinations and bad responses, scaling chatbots, agents vs chatbots, ethical considerations for AI and chatbots and much more.  Links Mentioned in the Show: Onereach.aiInvisible Machines PodcastGartner: The Executive Guide to Hyperautomation[Skill Track] Developing AI ApplicationsRelated Episode: Building Human-Centered AI Experiences with Haris Butt, Head of Product Design at ClickUpSign up to RADAR: AI Edition New to DataCamp? Learn on the go using the DataCamp mobile app Empower your business with world-class data and AI skills with DataCamp for business

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